Karadaiyan Nombu(adai recipes) 2018 Time, Procedure, story(tamil)

Karadaiyan Nombu 2018 (International) Time, How to make Karadaiyan Nombu Adai(recipe with Video), Karadaiyan Nombu Procedure, Karadaiyan Nombu Story, Karadaiyan Nombu Slokam in Tamil all in one place. You can find Complete Guide on this website, a very detailed post especially for Karadaiyan Nombu Festival by Shobitha Krishnamoorthy, who lives in Delhi(Hometown is Thanjavur), Travel Blogger, Passionate Photographer, and all of the Above My most lovable and best friend. As per my request, she has shared the Karadaiyan Nombu Procedure here,
Introduction To Karadaiyan Nombu/Nonbu:
Festivals are meant to be for celebrations and moments of gratitude. But what are we celebrating and are expressing our thanks to? If we take a moment to ponder, we shall realize that we indeed thank nature and unfathomable superpowers on some festivals and celebrate the most important people who enrich our lives and care for our well being on others. That being the case, why do women in Tamil Nadu observe Karaidyan Nombu/Nonbu?
Marriage for women is not just a milestone. In a way, it redefines their fortune and fate. Hence, it is only essential that she finds an amicable partner with whom she is going to spend three – fourths of your life; when found one she only wishes for a “happily ever after” sort of life and prays that her husband lives longer and healthier forever. In fact, she gets even positively greedy to the point that she wishes her husband to live longer than her time on earth. All the Sumangalai poojas she does resonate this prayer and wish of her. One such pooja is Karadaiyan Nonbu, wherein the married women pray for the well being of their husbands and seek the divine blessings for them to live longer and the bachelorettes pray to be blessed with noble and considerate life partners.
Karadaiyan Nombu Story.
Why offer Kara-Adai?
In the journey of keeping the prayers for their husbands strong, women idolize Savitri, the wife of Satyavan who is believed to have even outsmarted Yama, the God of death and protected him from an early death. To cut the long story short, Savitri married Satyavan with the awareness that Satyavan will not live for more than a year after their marriage. She lived with him in a forest, yet kept her faith strong and offered prayers to God every day with Durwa grass and peepal leaves. All she managed to offer as Prashad/ Neivedyam was kara-Adai – Adai made out of kara Arisi, the Wild rice, and Karamani. The predestinated last day for Satyavan came. She could see due to her Tapo-Palan that Yama was taking Satyavan’s soul and was proceeding to Yama Loka. She kept relentlessly followed him; at some point in the journey, Yama was pleased by her perseverance and the prayers and efforts she put to retain her husband with her and so he decided to grant her some boons. He told Savitri to ask for something her heart desired except for her husband’s spirit which he could give it back as it would be against his dharma. But the smart lady asked for the same thing but by expressing it differently that she wishes to have one hundred children with her husband. Yama was once again prompted by her perseverance and courage, her love and devotion to her husband and ends up giving her husband’s soul back to her. Hence, women on the day of Karadaiyan Nonbu offer Kara-Adai as Neivedyam and pledge to keep their prayers and perseverance strong just the way Savitri did!
Karadaiyan Nombu Adai Recipe Video On Youtube:
Why tie a yellow thread on the neck(Saradu)?
Threads in Hindu culture come as a symbol of faith and as the bond of protection. All the auspicious rituals and festivals have the tradition of tying sacred threads. They become the testimony to proclaim that the pledge has been taken. The thread that the sisters tie on brothers’ hands-on Rakhi day is a reminder that the brothers will protect their sisters forever and the sisters will love their brothers and pray for their well being all the time. The “Kankana Dharana” done to the bride and groom, the day before the marriage symbolizes their affirmation to get married and become partners for life. The “Kankana Dharana” done to the boy the before his Upakarma comes as a reminder to him that he is entering into Brahmacharya. Similarly, the Nonbu Saradus, the yellow threads worn by ladies on Karadaiyan Nonbu come as a proclamation of their love, devotion, and prayers for their husbands.
Karadaiyan Nombu Procedure,
With that understanding let’s see how to observe the Vrat/ Nonbu/Nombu.
1. The Nonbu is observed on the day when the months of Maasi and Panguni comes together. If that happens at the odd hours of the day, it is okay to get the thread tied when the month of Maasi is still there. As they put it “Maasi Kayiru Paasi Padiyadhu”, meaning the Prayers will only be answered and the men would live longer!
2. The pooja space/ mandir is cleaned and decorated with kolam, flowers, Dhoopa, and Deepam.
3. Women in the family then embark on the making of Kara-Adai. Both Uppadai and Velladai are made and arranged on a clean platter or fresh plantain leaves topped with unmelted butter.
4. A platter with betel leaf, betel nut, coconut broken into halves, fruits are also kept ready. The nonbu saradus (yellow threads) are tied with small pieces of fresh turmeric or flowers in case of fresh turmeric not available are also kept on the platter.
5. As per the auspicious time mentioned to do the pooja, women assemble at the pooja space, pray to God and Goddess, offer the Prashad and get the Nonbu threads tied by their husbands. Girls get their Saradus tied by their mothers.
6. The prayer goes like this in Tamil.
Karadaiyan Nombu Slokam in Tamil,
உருகாத வெண்ணையும் ஓர் அடையும் நோற்றுனக்கு நான் வைத்தேன்; ஓர் நாளும் என் கணவர் எனைவிட்டு பிரியாத வரம் அருள்வாய் – meaning I offer you karadai with unmelted butter, in turn you bless me with a long, happy life with my husband.
7. On the day of nombu, women fast from the dawn till the time the pooja is done and break the fast by eating the kara-adai once the pooja is over. They usually avoid rice and other foods and eat karadai in limited quantities for rest of the meals of the day too.
Wishing everyone a blessed Karadaiyan Nonbu and ‘happily ever after’ life with your spouses.
Shobhitha Krishnamoorthy
Karadaiyan Nombu/Nonbu International Time & Date:

Karadaiyan nombu Kolam, Festival Photos:

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Happy Nombu Every one! Do share “how you celebrated the Karadaiyan Nombu Festival at you home!”
Very nice
Thanks for the info