Chilli Mushroom(Dry) Recipe – Indo Chinese Style

Chilli Mushroom

Chilli Mushroom is a classic  Chinese dish that is inspired with the Indian ingredients.I have already posted the Chilli Paneer Recipe with paneer and green chilies,however i want to make slight variation for chilly mushroom,so i have added dry red chillies. It makes a great appetizer for parties and very easy to make as well. Before proceeding to the recipe do check the Post how to clean Mushroom in easy way.


  • 200gms White Button Mushroom cut into small cubes
  • 3 tbsp oil
  • 2 medium sized onions,diced and separated
  • 4 Garlic pods finely chopped
  • 2 tsp soya sauce
  • 3 dry Red chilies
  • 1 Green bell peppers,diced.
  • A pinch salt(Adjust the salt according to your taste)

To Marinate the Mushroom we need:

  • 2 tbsp Maida Flour
  • 1 tbsp Corn Flour
  • 1 tsp ginger garlic paste
  • 1/2 tsp Pepper Powder
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 tsp salt



  • Slice the onion separate it,break the dry red chilli,dice the bell peppers,chop the garlic and spring onions.
  • Clean mushroom and dice it.


  • In a mixing bowl add maida, corn flour, ginger garlic paste, pepper powder and salt.Pour water and mix  well without lumps.Add the mushroom cubes into the batter and mix well,marinate it for half an hour. Make sure that Mushroom pieces are fully covered with this marinade.
  • Heat oil in a pan,add marinated mushroom without any batter, reserve this batter for later use.Shallow fry the mushroom.
  • Turn the other side also and shallow fry, till it becomes light brown.Once done drain the excess oil and take it out from the pan.


  • In the same pan,add in the onion,garlic,bell peppers and chillies,saute it for few minutes till the onion becomes soft.
  • Add sauce and salt.Saute them again for few minutes.Finally add the fried mushroom and saute well.
  • Add a tsp of reserved batter,if you want as a gravy.Otherwise you can skip this step.Saute it till the gravy becomes thick.Once it becomes thick,remove it from the stove.


It goes well with fried rice and rotis.Do try this delicious Chilly Mushroom Recipe and Enjoy!!!

My Notes:

  • You can try this recipe with tofu or Paneer instead mushroom.
  • If you want to make gravy add the reserved batter and a tbsp water.You can get the thick chilly mushroom gravy.

Have a Nice Day!!!

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  1. What a fabulous meal. Your photos are terrific and make your dish reallyappealing. I hope you have a great day. Blessings…Mary

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