

2 tsp rice flour

2 cup gram flour 

2 tsp omam

1/2 tsp jeera

Salt to taste

25g butter

Hing a pinch

Oil For Frying


Soak the omam and jeera in water for 30 mins(you can also grind the omam ).Then strain the water and  keep aside.
Mix the rice flour, gram flour,salt,butter and hing along with the strained water in a vessel.

Add water and knead the flour like chapathi flour.
Use the omapodi mould.
Fill the 3/4 of the presser with dough, and close the presser with Omapodi mould.
Heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan, and when the oil is hot add a little piece of dough to check for the hotness. When the dough raises immediately then the oil is ready for frying

                                                         Squeeze the dough to a big circle.

                                                  Slowly turn the other side and let it to fry

Drain the oil and take it out.
Keep it in a tissue paper for a while then serve it.

                     Store it in a air tight container and serve.The delicious Omapodi is ready to serve.

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