
Most of you wanted to know what I made of Sponge Cake that I posted.So this is what I did, I made Tiramisu to celebrate 200th Post.Yes, am very happy that this is my 200th post and it took my 1 year plus to do this.Thanks for all the blogger friends and reader for encouraging me.

I wanted to try making tiramisu for very long time but thinking it’s a long and tough I never did.I got this recipe from one of my friend and when she told me it’s easy to do it and I thought of trying. Here is the Recipe…

For tiramisu we need a layer of Sponge Cake,pls Chk the Recipe for sponge cake here.


1 layer Sponge cake

For Cheese Mousse

400g Mascarpone cheese
2 Egg Yolks
100g Castor Sugar
30g Gelatin
30ml Hot Water
250g Whipped Cream
50ml Coffee Liqueur(i used a tsp of coffee essence)

For Coffee Syrup

80g Sugar
80ml Water
10g Instant Coffee
10ml Coffee essence

For Decoration

60g Cocoa Powder
30g Pink Sugar Powder
10pcs Ladies’ Figure Biscuits


  • Double Boil the Mascarpone Cheese till soft and smooth.

  • Blend the egg yolks and Castor sugar,then double boil till lukewarm.
  • Mix the gelatin and hot water well,until gelatin is well dissolved.

  • Add in the Gelatin and Melted cheese with the egg yolks and Castor sugar mixture,blend thoroughly.

  • Kept it over a bowl of ice water.
  • Keep stirring so as to bring down the temperature.

  • Whip the Whipping cream and coffee essence and then add into above and mix till well incorporated.
  • Here is the Mousse ready.

  • Place a layer of sponge cake into mousse mold.
  • Then pour half of the mousse on top.

  • Prepare the Coffee Syrup by Cooking sugar,water,instant coffee and coffee essence,till sugar dissolved.
  • Dip the ladies’ figure biscuits into the coffee syrup before arranging them on the mousse.

  • Finally cover it with the balance of the mousse.

  • Sprinkle cocoa powder on top and freeze it for 3 hours.Please sprinkle little coco powder,because it gives a bitter taste if you sprinkle more coco powder.
  • After 3 hours take it out from fridge and takeout the mousse ring slowly.

  • This step is optional,if you want use stencils and decorate it.
  • Sprinkle pink sugar powder on top and take out the stencil carefully.

  • Dip the biscuits in syrup and arrange them on the sides.
  • Here is the tiramisu cake is ready.Refrigerate it before serving.

Have a nice day!

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  1. this is mindblowing, prema! you amaze me each time you post anything to do with cakes 🙂 btw, as always, i have an ingredient sourcing question 😀 where did you get the ladies fingers from?

  2. Thanks Sowmya and Nags,i too searched for this biscuit here but i could not find it…So my neighbor bought it for me from Malaysia…I will ask her were she bought exactly and let u know.

  3. Congrats on this wonderful milestone – You are a very talented baker, Prema and every kudo you get is very well deserved. Amazing Tiramasu! And wonderful pictorials – hugs, priya

  4. Congrats on your 200th post, wish you many more such milestones and success in blogging world..Tiramisu looking fabulous, thanks for so wonderful tutorial, we can also dare to try this out, bookmarked it

  5. Congrats!! on reaching the milestone…200th post.
    You really amaze me with your baking skills…such dedication and hard work.
    Keep rocking!

  6. Congratulations on the huge number 😛 keep the wonderful posts coming …
    The tiramisu looks splendid, a huge round of applause to ur effort 😛

  7. I m drooling…drooling..drooling..love tiramisu like anything..my most fav Italian dessert..:)
    urs look amazing n congrats for 200th post dear..:)

  8. Congrats Prema…I am always amazed by looking at your wonderful cake creations..this is another beauty..keep rocking Prema!!

  9. Congrats Prema on ur 200th post, wish u more milestones like this, cant take my eyes from ur tiramisu,looks stunning,gorgeous and divine..

  10. that is interesting..u mixed the tiramisu cake and the original tiramisu and came up with this..great idea…i have made them both separate and must say i like the plain tiramisu better 🙂

  11. உங்களுடைய 200வது பதிவுக்கு வாழ்த்துகள்..தொடர்ந்து நிறைய பதிவுகள் போட வாழ்த்துகள்…

    ரொம்ப ரொம்ப சூப்பராக இருக்கின்றது..

    உங்களுடைய ஒவ்வொரு பதிவுமே கலக்கலாக அனைவருக்கும் தெளிவாக விளக்கும் விதத்தில் இருக்கும்…

  12. 200 க்கு வாழ்த்துக்கள் ப்ரேமா..கேக் செம அசத்தலா இருக்கு…இதையும் நான் உங்க வீட்டுக்கு வரும் போது செய்து கொடுங்க.

  13. Dear Prema
    How are you? Congrats..on your 200th posts that too in one year!! I am jealous, I think I havent reached 50 posts even in 21/2 years.
    I really appreciate that you made this awesome Tiramisu, which most people avoid making ( pretty tough)!! Great photos too. I am off baking for many decades, so devouring it virtually.
    I am off blog these days, but cant help opening pages and read great recipes.
    Have a nice weekend with your near and dear ones.

  14. Congrats on ur 200th post!!! Good luck for many more such milestones 🙂 And this dessert is a perfect way to celebrate this!!! Looks gorgeous!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  15. Congrats on your 200th post. You have a very nice blog with beautiful creations. This tiramisu looks gorgeous and delicious:)

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