Preparation for Navratri(Navaratri) | Golu Ideas | How to keep Golu

‘Navratri’ is an important and popular festival of India. ‘Navaratri‘ represents celebration of Goddess Durga. The nine nights festival becomes ten days festival with the addition of the last day, Vijayadashami which is its culmination. On all these ten days, various forms of Mother Mahisasura-Mardini (Durga) will be worshiped with fervor and devotion. In some communities, people undergo rigorous fasts during this season that lasts for the nine days. The festival culminates on Mahanavami. On this day, Kanya Puja is performed.
Significance Of The Auspicious Nine Nights!
The first three nights are utilized for worshiping the Goddess of Power, Mother Durga.
The second three nights for the Goddess Of Wealth, Mother Lakshmi
The third three nights for the Goddess of Knowledge, Mother Saraswathi.
The three aspects of the one Universal Mother are worshipped during the Navarathiri nights.
When Navratri is starting this year?
The Mahalaya Amavasai is the Auspicious day to arrange the Navaratri dolls(Golu). As per panchangam this year it falls on 23rd september ,tuesday.
What is Golu?
Golu is a display of Colourful dolls and clay statues of God, depicting the historical, mythological and folklores in Hinduism are neatly arranged on wooden or steel mounted steps “padis”. The purpose is to promote the knowledge of Hindu culture, conventions and traditions to the children of every next generation.
A week before i will start the preparation and shopping for navratri. Decide the theme of this year.
Depending upon your theme, you will also need backgrounds and other props like forest, trees, ashrams, animals etc.Lets see in detail.
How to Keep Golu?
- Get the house cleaned and ready. We are inviting Goddess into the home. Usually this is done on the Amavasai day, a day before the beginning of Navratri.
- Before keeping the padi,clean and decorate the pooja room first.
- Wash the pooja items and make it ready
- If you have procedure of keeping kumbam clean and make it ready.
- Choose the best place to keep golu,i perfer east to keep golu.Clean that place.
- Get all the Golu dolls ready. use dry kitchen towel and wipe it.
- Mango leaf festoons are installed on doors, windows and in puja room.
- Background:Even a flower hanging will make your golu background more beautiful.You can also hang Sarees,real flowers,art tiles,etc.
- Kolu Padi: How To Design And Golu Steps?How to keep Golu Padi? In India we can get ready made golu steps.But people who are living in abroad will keep the golu by arranging tables and cardboards.If you are going to arrange the tables make sure the height of the first step should be less than the size of the next step and also the width should be same for all the steps.Usually the steps should be three,five,nine or twelve.
- Once the steps are done cover it with silk sarees or any clean cloth.I prefer cotton veshti so that the dolls will not fall down at any cost.
- Arrange the dolls on their height order on the first step and then the rest.
- Keep the kalam as per your procedure,i will keep kalasam by filling it turmeric water and on top i will turmeric coated coconut and mango leaves.
- Fresh Kolams are drawn.Even a simple maa kolam makes our golu beautiful.Avoid sticking the sticker kolams.
- Lamps make the golu looks more beautiful.If possible keep serial lights in the sides of the step to make golu bright look.
- If your golu is a themed golu then arranged the garden or park or zoo in the sand.Before a week spread the sand and put the beans on it for sprouting.The small plant from make the park or garden gives natural looks.
- Plan early about the pooja prasadam (Sundal in the evening and variety rice in the morning) and also about the gifts that you plan to give to women guests.
I hope these tips will help the beginners and the ideas are my personal option.Please ignore if any mistakes i made.
Enjoy Golu and Happy Navratri to you all!!!
very very useful post….
Timely and useful post!
wow grt post Prema..
Very useful post Prema, I need to start prepping now….thanks for the ideas 🙂
Really helpful post…thanks..
Wow Prema.. I never kept Golu before.. after seeing this post sure will keep in coming year… Thank u.
Really useful post!! Could you please tell me which plants sprout beautifully within a short span of time? Which seeds are ideal to place in a golu garden? Thanks a ton! and Happy Navartri 2015 🙂
Can we have golu only for last 3 days ? As i am working can not clean and do it for 9 days.
Please let me know this is fine
its for 9 day