Masala Tea


2 cm piece of dry ginger
5 cm piece of cinnamon stick
4 peppercorns
3 cloves
3 cardamom pods
1 tbsp tea powder
250 ml low fat milk
3 tsp sugar

serves 6


Crush the dry ginger.Grind the spices and also the crushed dry ginger in mixie into fine powder.This is called the masala powder.Boil the milk in a sauce pan and add the masala powder,sugar and tea powder into it.Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes,if desired add more milk and sugar.Once the milk boiled strain and serve hot with your favourite snacks.

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  1. What an aromatic masala tea.I sure can feel the taste and in combination with vada is surely heavenly.Love the cup and the presentation.

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