Dry Garlic Chutney recipe, Vada pav chutney Powder(Sukha Lehsun)
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Dry Garlic Chutney recipe, Vada pav chutney Powder made of dry coconut and garlic
Recipe type: Main
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 5
  • 1 cup garlic, Lasūṇa
  • 1 cup coconut, Narala
  • ⅓ cup peanuts, Sengadane
  • ⅓ cup sesame seeds,tila
  • 1.5 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp tamarind paste (i didn't add)
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  1. add oil in a pan and roast the garlic, till it turns golden.remove from the pan and keeps aside to cool
  2. roast sesame seeds, remove from the pan and keeps aside to cool
  3. roast, peanut, remove from the pan and keeps aside to cool
  4. roast coconut, remove from the pan and keeps aside to cool.
  5. Once everything cools down drop all roasted ingredients in the mixie jar, add tamarind paste, chili powder, and salt grind evenly till all the ingredients come to same texture.
I forgot to add tamarind paste please do add while you make.
Adjust the chili powder according to your taste buds, you can add dry red chili also.
add garlic as much as you can, roasted garlic tastes more delicious.
Recipe by Prema's Culinary at https://premasculinary.com/2018/03/dry-garlic-chutney-recipe-vadapav.html